Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Personal Values Chechlist


Name: Jezzer Anthony Lomaad
Date: June 24, 2009
Yr./Program: 1st year, BA Multimedia Arts

Below is a list of important personal values culled from years of observing individual success. Select/encircle 10 values which are most important to you – as guides for how to behave, as components of a valued way of life.

Common Personal Values
1. Accomplishment, Success
2. Accountability
3. Accuracy
4. Adventure
5. All for one & one for all
6. Beauty
7. Calm, quietude, peace
8. Challenge
9. Change
10. Cleanliness, orderliness
11. Collaboration
12. Commitment
13. Communication
14. Community
15. Competence
16. Competition
17. Concern for others
18. Content over form
19. Continuous improvement
20. Cooperation
21. Coordination
22. Country, love of (patriotism)
23. Creativity
24. Customer satisfaction
25. Decisiveness
26. Delight of being, joy
27. Democracy
28. Discipline
29. Discovery
30. Ease of Use
31. Efficiency
32. Equality
33. Excellence
34. Fairness
35. Faith
36. Family
37. Family feeling
38. Flair
39. Freedom
40. Friendship
41. Fun
42. Global view
43. Good will
44. Goodness
45. Gratitude
46. Hard work
47. Harmony
48. Honesty
49. Honor
50. Independence
51. Inner peace, calm, quietude
52. Innovation
53. Integrity
54. Justice
55. Knowledge
56. Leadership
57. Love, Romance
58. Loyalty
59. Maximum utilization (of time, resources)
60. Meaning
61. Merit
62. Money
63. Openness
64. Peace, Non-violence
65. Perfection (e.g. of details)
66. Personal Growth
67. Pleasure
68. Positive attitude
69. Power
70. Practicality
71. Preservation
72. Privacy
73. Problem Solving
74. Progress
75. Prosperity, Wealth
76. Punctuality
77. Quality of work
78. Regularity Resourcefulness
79. Respect for others
80. Responsiveness
81. Results-oriented
82. Rule of Law
83. Safety
84. Satisfying others
85. Security
86. Self-givingness
87. Self-reliance
88. Service (to others, society)
89. Simplicity
90. Skill
91. Speed
92. Spirit in life (using)
93. Stability
94. Standardization
95. Status
96. StrengthSucceed; A will to-Success, Achievement
97. Systemization
98. Teamwork
99. Timeliness
100. Tolerance
101. Tradition
102. Tranquility
103. Trust
104. Truth
105. Unity
106. Variety
107. Wisdom

Jouranal Entry


1. How was your first week of stay at MCL?

My first week in Malayan was both challenging and thrilling. I'm having a hard time finding my rooms, however, I'm lucky enough to have friends from my high scool, Holy Rosary College, that is studying here in Malayan and they are helping me find my rooms. I'm starting to like of being here.

2. Describe your professors. What are traits do you find positive in each one?

There is one particular teacher that I am fond of. Whatever you are doing in the room is fine with her as long as you don't behave silly, and it's the reason why all of her students like her to become their teacher in values.

3. Describe your blockmates/section. What do you think are the strengths and weaknesses of your section?

Well our block is diverse, we have shy and timid people but we also have talkative and funny ones. One weakness I could think of is that we are from different places although this could be also a strength for we could share unique experiences to each other.

4. How do you find your courses? Which ones do you think are easy and which ones do you think are a little bit challenging? Why?

I find my DAD subject to be fun and easy for it is what I really want to do, editing stuff and the like. I am having a hard time with my HUmanities 2 because we have to speak in English all the time.

5. Do you have any adjustment you feel you are going through or must go through? What are they? Cite examples in terms in your academics, emotions, and social environment.

One thing that I am having a difficult time in adjusting is me conversing in English all the time. I am not used to it for I am speaking in tagalog most of the times in high school and also with my previous school.